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How Modern Funerals Are Different from Old?

Business and Management

If you choose a crematorium to cremate a loved one, it's a good idea to research these various aspects before making a final decision. Knowing what to expect in advance can greatly reduce the stress of the grieving process when the time comes. It is now easy to get the best cremation services in Vancouver.

The History of Death and Burial Customs

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Some of the differences between ancient and modern cemeteries:-

1. Embalming is done automatically. Corpses are no longer automatically embalmed. If they are embalmed, there will be an additional charge.

2. Obituaries describing the life of the deceased, survivors, etc. Distributed as messages to newspapers. Obituaries are not automated and usually do not tell the life story of the deceased, nor are there post-funeral messages describing services, people bringing danger and out-of-town visitors. Obituary/funeral programs can be very expensive in large city centers.

3. Funerals are a last resort because cremation is only possible in big cities and transportation to the crematorium is difficult and expensive. Funerals are no longer the only or primary means of disposal and cremation is the method of choice in many areas today.

Cremation eliminates many of the requirements of a traditional funeral. No box needed, just a container. There is no need to purchase graves or memorials, and no funeral services or transportation of corpses and funeral processions to the graves are required.

4. Funerals are usually held in the church and then in the funeral chapel. Families can conduct public or private funerals in convenient locations without the assistance of a funeral director.

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