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Behind the Scenes: A Day in the Life of a Commercial General Contractor

Business and Management

Commercial general contractors are the unsung heroes of the construction industry. They are responsible for overseeing the day-to-day operations of building projects, from managing subcontractors to ensuring everything is completed on time and within budget. Their work is fast-paced, demanding, and often goes unnoticed by the general public. In this article, we will take a look behind the scenes and explore what a typical day in the life of a commercial general contractor looks like.

Early Morning: Preparing for the Day Ahead

For a commercial general contractor, the day typically starts early. They need to be on-site to ensure that everything is running smoothly and to address any issues that may arise. Here is a breakdown of their morning routine:

Routine Check-In

  • Meet with the project team to discuss the day's goals and objectives
  • Review the schedule and make any necessary adjustments
  • Inspect the site for safety hazards or potential issues


  • Check emails and voicemails for any updates or changes in plans
  • Coordinate with subcontractors to ensure everyone is on the same page
  • Communicate with the client to provide updates on the project's progress

Mid-Morning: Managing the Workforce

As the day progresses, a commercial general contractor's focus shifts to managing the workforce. They are responsible for overseeing subcontractors, communicating with vendors, and ensuring that everyone is working efficiently towards the project's goals.

Supervising Subcontractors

  • Ensure subcontractors are following safety protocols and wearing the appropriate gear
  • Monitor progress and address any issues or delays promptly
  • Provide guidance and support to subcontractors as needed

Vendor Management

  • Coordinate deliveries and ensure materials are on-site as needed
  • Review invoices and approve payments to vendors
  • Address any quality control issues with vendors

Afternoon: Problem-Solving and Decision-Making

By the afternoon, a commercial general contractor is often faced with unexpected challenges that require quick thinking and decisive action. They need to be able to problem-solve on the spot and make decisions that will keep the project on track.


  • Address any issues that arise on-site, such as equipment malfunctions or delays in construction
  • Come up with creative solutions to unforeseen problems
  • Consult with the project team to determine the best course of action


  • Make critical decisions regarding project timelines, budgets, and resources
  • Evaluate potential risks and weigh the pros and cons of different options
  • Communicate decisions effectively to the project team and stakeholders

Evening: Wrapping Up and Planning for Tomorrow

As the day comes to a close, a commercial general contractor's focus turns towards wrapping up the day's activities and preparing for the next day. This includes reviewing progress, updating schedules, and addressing any outstanding issues.

Progress Review

  • Review the day's accomplishments and identify any areas that need improvement
  • Update the project schedule with any changes or adjustments
  • Assess the project's overall progress and make notes for the next day

Planning for Tomorrow

  • Identify priorities for the next day and create a plan of action
  • Coordinate with subcontractors and vendors to ensure everything is in place for the following day
  • Communicate with the project team to provide updates and set expectations


Being a commercial general contractor is no easy feat. It requires a unique blend of leadership, problem-solving skills, and the ability to thrive in a fast-paced environment. While their work may often go unnoticed, commercial general contractors play a crucial role in bringing construction projects to life. The next time you drive by a construction site, take a moment to appreciate the hard work and dedication that goes on behind the scenes.

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